World Hydrography Day 2024 Celebrations

June 28, 2024
Message of CNS on WHD 2024
June 28, 2024

World Hydrography Day 2024 Celebrations

World Hydrography Day (WHD) 2024 was celebrated at National Hydrographic Office (NHO) on 21 June 24. Various activities were conducted to highlight the importance of hydrography for a healthy maritime industry. During a celebratory event, the Hydrographer of Pakistan (HoP) directly engaged with officers involved in hydrography which boosted morale and camaraderie within the hydrographic community. Tree plantation activity was conducted by HoP to symbolize commitment to a sustainable greener future. Seminar on Hydrography was conducted to focus on the latest advancements in hydrography and its role in promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental consciousness in marine activities.